The Incredible Hulk, Vol. 1 #5
Marvel Comics
In Collection
Beauty and the Beast! The Hordes of General Fang!
January 1963
Comic  Silver Age
Read It: No 24 Pages

"Beauty And The Beast" - Tyrrannus has been watching the surface world from his underground kingdom, where he has been ruling with his potion of immortality since Merlin cast him there centuries ago. He plans to conquer the surface world, and kidnaps Betty Ross as leverage to keep Thunderbolt Ross from fighting back when the time comes. Banner never trusted Tyrrannus, and becomes the Hulk to puruse them. At first, he fights as a Gladiator and does menial grunt labour to protect her, but once Rick Jones frees Betty, the Hulk lets loose with all of his considerable rage. "The Hordes of General Fang!" - While returning to his hideout, the Hulk is attacked by General Ross and the iceberg missile he tested back in issue 3. That doesn't work out as planned, and the Hulk escapes. Once back in his lair, he learns of the evil General Fang, who is leading an invading army across Asia. With Rick Jones tagging along, the Hulk heads out to deal with that individual personally.
Scripter Stan Lee
Penciller Jack Kirby
Inker Dick Ayers
Cover Penciller Jack Kirby
Cover Inker Dick Ayers
Betty Ross
Tyrannus (Romulus Augustus)
General Fang
Thaddeus E. 'Thunderbolt' Ross
Rick Jones
Hulk (Bruce Banner)
Betty Ross-Banner
Hulk (Robert Bruce Banner)

Product Details
Series Group Hulk
Genre Action, Adventure, Super-Heroes
Color Color
Country USA
Language English
Release Date January 1963